November is upon us, and there are a few interesting dates to look forward to:
Palindromic Dates:
The 3rd November is a palindrome: 3 11 13 The same forward as it is backwards
Prime Days:
Lots of Prime Days this month, where each element of the date is a prime number:
2 11 13
3 11 13 (A Prime Day and a Palindromic Day – Wow!)
5 11 13
7 11 13
11 11 13
13 11 13 (more of this special day later!)
17 11 13
23 11 13
29 11 13 (and this date is even more interesting – see below)
Mega Prime Days
Days where not only each element of the date is prime, but all elements combine to form a prime:
13 11 13 131113 are all prime
29 11 13 291113 (but we’re not finished with this great day yet …)
Mega Prime Plus Days
Days that are prime and mega prime days (see above), but are also prime when written in the American format: mmddyy
29 11 13 291113 and 112913 are all prime numbers
… and … 29th November 2013, 29 11 13, is the last prime day until February 2017, so you’d better enjoy it while you can!
2n + 7 Day
9 11 13
Have I missed any special dates? If so, use the comments section to let me know.
Enjoy the month!