Happy New Year!

2014 as its product of prime factorsHappy New Year!

  • 2014 as the product of its prime factors: 2 x 19 x 53
  • 2014 is the sum of four consecutive digits: 502 + 503 + 504 + 505
  • 2014 in binary: 11111011110

Here’s a little challenge for you mull over through the fog of a new year’s day hangover (or give to your classes on the first day back after the Christmas hols):

Can you make the numbers from 0 to 10 (or 20 or 100) using the digits 2, 0, 1 & 4?


  • 2 x 0 x 1 x 4 = 0
  • (2 x 0 x 4) + 1 = 1


My rules: you can use any mathematical symbols you know, including powers, square roots, factorial etc., but you can’t combine two numbers together e.g. you can put the 2 and 4 together to make 24.

But, of course, you can make up your own rules if you wish!

I hope you have a great 2 x 19 x 53 (2014) – Happy New Year



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